Interface SelectQuery

  • All Superinterfaces:

    public interface SelectQuery
    extends Query
    The select statement reads one or more fields for one or more entities. It returns a result-set of the entities matching the request, where each entity contains the fields for corresponding to the query.
    • Method Detail

      • getFields

        List<String> getFields()
        The fields that will retrieve in this query, if this fields is empty, this query will retrieve the whole entity.
        the fields list
      • getEntity

        String getEntity()
        The entity name
        the entity name
      • getSkip

        long getSkip()
        Statement defines where the query should start
        the number to skip, otherwise either negative value or zero
      • getLimit

        long getLimit()
        Statement limits the number of rows returned by a query,
        the maximum of result, otherwise either negative value or zero
      • getOrderBy

        List<Sort> getOrderBy()
        The list of orders, it is used to sort the result-set in ascending or descending order.
        the order list